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Enhancing Somalia’s Role in the East African Community and the Case for Ethiopia’s Membership

Somalia’s membership in the East African Community (EAC) marks a pivotal step toward strengthening its position and contributing meaningfully to regional growth. As a Somali, I see this as more than just a strategic move; it’s an opportunity to reshape our collective future. But for this vision to fully materialize, we must also consider the significance of Ethiopia—an influential neighbor that has yet to join the EAC. Bringing Ethiopia into the fold could open doors to resolving regional tensions, from the longstanding aspirations of Ethiopia for sea access, particularly Somali seas. Here’s how Somalia and the EAC can seize this moment for lasting progress.

1. Economic Growth and Integration

The EAC’s single market and customs union are designed to enhance trade and investment among member states. Somalia’s strategic location along the Indian Ocean and its extensive coastline offer valuable trade routes and resources. By deepening its participation in EAC initiatives, Somalia can capitalize on these advantages, increasing trade volumes and attracting investment. Key sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, and energy stand to benefit from improved regional market access and infrastructure development.

Ethiopia’s potential membership would amplify these benefits. As one of the largest and most populous countries in East Africa, Ethiopia could contribute significantly to regional economic integration. Its inclusion would enhance trade routes and create new investment opportunities, benefiting both Ethiopia and its EAC neighbors, including Somalia.

2. Political Stability and Regional Cooperation

Being part of the EAC offers Somalia a robust platform for political cooperation and conflict resolution. The EAC’s focus on regional stability and collective security can aid Somalia in addressing internal and cross-border challenges. Enhanced collaboration with neighboring countries through the EAC supports Somalia’s efforts to manage security threats and political instability. The EAC framework provides mechanisms for dialogue and support that are crucial for Somalia’s continued progress.

Ethiopia’s membership would further bolster these efforts. As a significant regional actor, Ethiopia’s participation in the EAC could help address regional tensions and foster cooperative solutions. This inclusion would provide a structured platform for Ethiopia and Somalia to engage in dialogue and resolve disputes, including the contentious issues surrounding Ethiopia’s aspirations for sea access, especially Somali seas. Ethiopia could benefit greatly from peaceful neighbors, particularly Somalia, if it retracts the illegal MoU with the northern part of Somalia.

3. Strategic Maritime Advantages

Somalia’s strategic maritime position, with access to major global shipping lanes, aligns with the EAC’s goals of improving regional trade and security. As an EAC member, Somalia benefits from collective efforts to enhance maritime infrastructure and security.

The potential inclusion of Ethiopia in the EAC could play a crucial role in resolving maritime disputes. Ethiopia, due to its landlocked status, has a vested interest in accessing maritime routes and ports. By joining the EAC, Ethiopia could engage in collaborative maritime projects and dispute resolution processes. This cooperative approach would help clarify maritime boundaries, promote shared economic interests, reduce tensions, and foster mutual benefits for both Somalia and Ethiopia.

4. Enhancing Regional Unity

Somalia’s active participation in the EAC strengthens regional unity and cooperative efforts. The EAC’s mission to promote economic integration and social development aligns with Somalia’s goals for stability and prosperity. By engaging fully with EAC initiatives, Somalia contributes to regional projects aimed at improving living standards and fostering economic growth.

Ethiopia’s membership would further enhance regional unity. Its inclusion would reinforce collective efforts to address shared challenges and promote a more cohesive East African region. Ethiopia’s contributions could support collaborative development projects and strengthen ties among member states.

5. Addressing Development Challenges

Somalia faces development challenges such as poverty, infrastructure deficits, and unemployment. The EAC framework provides access to resources and development programs that could address these issues. Active engagement in EAC projects supports Somalia’s efforts to improve governance and accelerate development.

Ethiopia’s involvement in the EAC would expand the resources and expertise available within the community, enhancing collective efforts to tackle development challenges. Collaborative projects could address infrastructure needs, promote economic growth, and support sustainable development goals across the region.


My experience in European politics, especially from the perspective of building peace and development, will never lead me to entertain the idea of war and destruction between countries like Somalia and Ethiopia, which have shared a long history of neighboring relations well before the colonial era. It is far more important to give the people of East Africa the peace and prosperity they need. It is time to explore possibilities for all parties to benefit, bringing peace and prosperity to the region where there is no more hunger for the children of East Africa but instead hope and a good future. This can be achieved if all parties commit to it.

Somalia’s membership in the East African Community is a strategic asset that offers numerous opportunities for growth and collaboration. By maximizing its role within the EAC, Somalia can drive economic development, enhance regional stability, and fully utilize its maritime advantages. The potential inclusion of Ethiopia in the EAC would further strengthen the community, providing additional economic and political benefits. This expanded cooperation could play a critical role in resolving regional disputes and fostering a more integrated and prosperous East Africa’s future. All EAC countries, together with new applicant Ethiopia, should seek peace and prosperity for all East African citizens. It’s time we overcome wars, famine, corruption, and despair.


Baladweyne: Between Adversity and Resilience

Nestled in the heart of Somalia, Baladweyne stands as a town renowned for its agricultural prowess and the breathtaking beauty of its fertile lands. However, amidst its natural splendor lies a formidable challenge that tests the mettle of its inhabitants year after year—the recurring floods that bring both destruction and resilience to this remarkable community. This article sheds light on the captivating story of Baladweyne’s defiance amid cyclical and catastrophic humanitarian situation.  

The Dual Adversities

Baladweyne’s battle against recurring floods illuminates the dual adversities faced by its inhabitants—an unyielding force of nature and the consequential human suffering.

Unyielding Force of Nature

As the rainy season arrives, Baladweyne’s landscape transforms into a tumultuous scene of rising waters and surging currents. The swelling of the Shabelle River presents a formidable challenge, testing the resilience of the town’s protective measures. While Baladweyne’s agricultural potential lies in the richness of its soil and the blessings of ample water supply, the same water becomes a double-edged sword when it exceeds its banks, breaching river embankments, and inundating homes, farmland, and infrastructure. Nature’s power, while awe-inspiring, leaves devastation in its wake.

Unspeakable of Human Suffering

Beyond the physical destruction lies the profound human suffering endured by the people of Baladweyne. Displaced from their homes, families seek refuge in makeshift camps or rely on the generosity of relatives. Basic necessities such as clean water, sanitation facilities, and healthcare become scarce commodities, heightening the vulnerability of the community. The loss of crops and livelihoods plunges many into a spiral of poverty and food insecurity, as dreams are shattered and hopes diminished. Yet, amid these adversities, the indomitable spirit of Baladweyne shines through.

Overcoming Challenges

The path to resilience for Baladweyne lies in comprehensive strategies that address both the unyielding force of nature and the consequential human suffering.

  1. Mitigating the Unyielding Force of Nature
    • Strengthened River Embankments: By fortifying the river embankments, Baladweyne can better withstand the force of floodwaters, minimizing breaches and reducing the impact on homes and infrastructure.
    • Enhanced Drainage Systems: Upgrading the town’s drainage infrastructure will facilitate the efficient flow of water during flood events, preventing waterlogging and reducing damage.
    • Resilient Housing Solutions: Promoting the construction of flood-resistant housing designs can provide safer and more secure homes for the community, minimizing the risk of damage and displacement.
  2. Alleviating Consequential Human Suffering
    • Adequate Temporary Shelter and Aid: Establishing well-equipped temporary shelters and distribution centers will provide immediate relief to displaced individuals, ensuring access to essential items such as food, clean water, and medical supplies.
    • Healthcare and Sanitation Facilities: Strengthening healthcare services and sanitation facilities in Baladweyne will address the increased health risks associated with flooding, safeguarding the well-being of the community.
    • Sustainable Livelihood Support: Implementing sustainable livelihood programs, including agricultural training and income-generating initiatives, will empower the community to rebuild their lives, restore economic stability, and foster long-term resilience.

A Joint Effort to Resilience

In embarking on the journey towards resilience, Baladweyne requires a collective and concerted effort from all stakeholders involved. It is essential for the Somali government and the Hirshalle state to recognize the profound impact that recurring floods have on the lives of Baladweyne’s inhabitants. Amidst the challenges faced by the town, it becomes apparent that the people are relying on their leaders to guide them towards a brighter future.

However, it is disheartening to observe that the needs of the community often go unnoticed or unaddressed. Baladweyne, with its rich agricultural heritage and its resilient people, deserves more attention and support from the authorities. The collaborative path to resilience must begin with a renewed commitment from both the government and the Hirshalle state to prioritize the well-being and future prospects of Baladweyne’s inhabitants.

To foster collaboration, it is crucial to establish open lines of communication and engage in meaningful dialogue with the local community. By listening to the concerns and experiences of the people, policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face and the solutions they envision. This inclusive approach will empower the community and foster a sense of ownership over the resilience-building process.

Moreover, collaboration should extend beyond the government and the state. Partnerships with humanitarian organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international entities can bring valuable expertise, resources, and funding to support Baladweyne’s journey towards resilience. These partnerships can facilitate the implementation of comprehensive plans that address infrastructure development, disaster risk reduction, livelihood support, and capacity building.

The collaborative efforts must prioritize the following:

  • Empowering Local Communities
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Livelihood Support and Economic Empowerment
  • Strengthening Healthcare and Social Services
  • Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management

Way Forward

By embracing a collaborative approach, the Somali government, the Hirshalle state, and other stakeholders can demonstrate their commitment to the people of Baladweyne. It is imperative to forge partnerships that foster trust, transparency, and inclusivity, ensuring that the voices and aspirations of the community are heard and incorporated into resilience-building efforts. Only through this collaborative path can Baladweyne overcome its challenges, restore hope, and pave the way for a brighter and more resilient future.

What is the Future for Somali’s 4.5 System?

Over the last three decade, the glue that has been holding Somali’s political system has been 4.5 power-sharing formula. This system was conceived by warlords in earlier days of the conflict and it has been dubbed as the most evil-genius piece of legacy by the warlords. In this short piece, I will try to shed light on the origins, its ups and downs and chart way forward. My main aim is to reflect and set debate in motion for the future of this 4.5 system.