Very often success for young people in Somalia requires connections, but these can be next to impossible to cultivate for those not already within elite structures. Somalia is losing access to talented individuals because of this.
Mentorships to next generation of Somali leaders
Very often success for young people in Somalia requires connections, but these can be next to impossible to cultivate for those not already within elite structures. Somalia is losing access to talented individuals because of this. Our mentorship program will select cohorts of emerging leaders, for example from the intake of new civil servants or emerging civil society activists and support them over an extended multi year period. Each cohort will be attached to an experienced senior figure, as well as our technical support staff, who will lead bi- annual seminars to focus on the career development of mentees. Outside the formal sessions mentees may receive one to one advice and support from their mentor and the technical support team. The mentorship program will develop norms of good governance and encourage ethical and bold leadership, it will support both the individual mentees and the wider civic system. Mentees will also have access to the training programs described below.